タイ移住 バンコク移住 海外移住








タイ バンコクのコンドミニアムの賃貸契約書 和訳してみました







THIS LEASE AGREEMENT is made on   10 June 10 2020 by and between, Mr.              hereinafter called the "LESSEE" PASPORT NO :

COUNTRY: JAPAN and  Mr.     hereinafter called the "LESSOR "

The LESSOR is the owner of the apartment worth ○○ sqm(including balcony ), (コンドミニアムの住所           )

,wattana bangkok 10110 , hereinafter called the  "PREMISE" .

The PREMISE is furnished with attached fixtures and furniture.

The LESSOR agrees to let and the LESSEEP agrees to rent the premise the following terms and conditions.





A. The LESSOR and the LESSEE  hereby agrees as follows.

(1) The terms of this agreement is 12 months commencing from 1 july 2020 and terminating on 30 june 2021.

(2) The rent shall be THB    ○○○○○      per  month, payable on the 5-10 of each month .

Every payment to be made by the LESSEE to be the LESSOR  hereunder shall be made to be the LESSOR in wire transfer to:

Account name :    Mr.

Bank               :   Siam commercial bank

Branch          :     Thonglor

Saving account no. :

(3)Upon the execution of this agreement, the Lessee had deposited with the Lessor THB ○○○○○ hereinafter referred to as  "The security deposit " .  The security deposit shall be returned to the Lessee after all payments,bills and any deduction of damages has been settled and shall not be applied for the rent of the last month.

(4)The premise is fully furnished with fixtures and furniture as list in the document attached herein are supplied with the premises and must exist upon return of the premise to the Lessor.

A 賃貸人と賃借人は下記の通り合意する







(3)本契約実施にあたり、賃借人は○○○バーツ(※家賃2ヶ月分が一般的です)のセキュリティ デポジットを預ける。

このセキュリティ デポジットは、全ての支払いや修繕費の控除後に返金される。






B.The Lessee agrees as follows:

(1) To keep all floors,floor coverings,walls,ceilings,windows,doors,furniture,domestic appliances,and all fixtures and fittings in or on the premise in the same condition but allowing for normal wear and tear caused by use during the term of this agreement.

(2) To use the premise for dwelling purposes only

(3) To pay rent punctually together with all service like;

Eletricity   : as billed by MEAP

Water    : as billed by the building management

Internet/cable  : as billed by service provider

(4) To permit the Lessor or the agent to enter upon the premise for the purpose of inspection at all reasonable times during day/light hours subject to reasonable notice and to permit during the thirty days before expiration of this agreement, the Lessor or his agent to showthe premise to prospective tenants at reasonable times,provided that prior arrangements are made with the Lessee.


B. 賃借人は以下に同意する





電気代 ;電気会社の請求書に応じて

水道代  :管理組合に支払う




(5) Not to make any alternations or additions or install any fixtures to the premise without prior consent in writing of the Lessor.

Any and all major alternations or additions made or fixtures installed by the Lessee to the premise without consent of the Lessor shall become the penalty of the Lessor.

And if the Lessee does so without such consent, he/she must, if the Lessor desires, on the request of the Lessor, restore the premise to the former conditions, and is liable to the Lessor ,for any loss or damage that may result from such alternation or addition.

All other properties brought into the premise by the Lessee and/ or his/her family shall at all time be the property of the Lessee.

(6) Not to keep with he leased premise any contraband goods.explosives,inflammable goods,acid or alkali cheical products or any stuff or materials which may be detrimental to the leased premise.

(7) Not the neither assign nor sublet the premise or any part thereof without prior written consent of the Lessor.

(8) Not to do nor permit to be done on the premise anything which may cause nuisance or interferance with the quiet enjoyment of the neighboring premise of their occupants.














(9) To notify the Lessor  or of his representatives of any dameges or defects at the premise within seven days of the occurence of such or defect.

(10) The Lessee is bound to take as much  care of the premise leased, as a person of ordinary prudence would act within his own property, and to do ordinary maintenance and pay for minor repairs.

(11) The Lessee shall follow general rules and regulations of the condominium.

(12) That at the end or sooner terminations of the tenancy, the Lessee will return all the keys of the premise to the Lessor.








(13) In the event that the Lessee breaches or defaults in this agreement, the Lessee agrees that the entire rental and security deposit paid by the Lessee under this agreement shall forthwith be forfeited.

(14) Upon the termination of this Lease term stipulate under clause A (1) of this agreement, if the Lessee has not breached or defaulted on this agreement, and if the Lessee desires to extend the Lease term, the Lessee shall notify in writing to the Lessor with inimum 30 days prior to the expiration date in writing.

If the Lessee agrees to renew agreement, the rantal payment and service fees shall be subject to new agreement.

This agreement is made in duplicate having corresponding terms and conditions. Both parties have read, understand and agreed with the contents hereof.

Therefore, in witness whereof,executed this agreement on the date first above written.


(13) 契約期間の途中で解約や退居の場合、セキュリティデポジットは没収となる。

(14 ) 賃借人が契約更新を望む場合、少なくとも30日前以上前に書面で通知すること。













後で、”私は英語苦手だから、確認していませんでした” は日本人にありがちですが、全く通用しません。

















スタディサプリEnglish ビジネス英会話

英会話ならECC外語学院  まずはカウンセリング&無料体験レッスンへ!




-タイ移住 バンコク移住, 海外移住
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